Homemade yoghurt - easy peasy
This recipe makes about 1 liter of yogurt.
Lav den her, hvis du er en sucker for at alting skal være hjemmelavet. Om det smager bedre end det man køber? Ikke rigtigt, men det er hyggeligt at lave, og hvis du laver den, som jeg har lavet den, bliver det en fed og hyggelig sag, du kan servere til en lækker crumble kage eller æbletærte.
Du kan godt bruge en mindre fed mælk og en mindre fed yoghurt end græsk yoghurt. Jeg ville dog ikke bruge mindre fedtprocent end letmælk.
Desuden er jeg sikker på, at det vil imponere såvel brunch gæster, som gæster til et stykke kage, at du selv har brugt tid på at lave yoghurten.
Personligt begav jeg mig ud i dette yoghurteventyr, fordi yoghurt nuutral uden tilsat sukker, for det første er vanskeligt at finde, og for et andet en hamrende dyrt på Bali, hvor jeg befandt mig i en længere periode.
Homemade yoghurt - easy peasy
Preparation: > 1 h. Setting time: 8-12 h. Total: 8-12 h.
This recipe makes about 1 liter of yogurt.
1 liter of milk (I used the equivalent of whole milk)
2 dL yogurt (I used Greek)
Put the milk in a saucepan and heat it up to 85 degrees, stirring so it doesn't burn at the bottom.
When the milk reaches 85 degrees, take it off the heat and cool to 45 degrees.
Take your yogurt out of the fridge so that it's at room temperature when it meets the 45 degree milk.
When the milk is 45 degrees, first take a small amount of milk and stir it into the yogurt, then take the milk-yogurt mixture and stir it into the milk.
Then wrap the pot in a towel and leave it in a warm place for 8-12 hours. The temperature should remain around 45 degrees.
The yogurt is then ready to be placed in a tightly sealed container in the fridge.
Tips and storage:
〰 Your homemade yogurt will keep for 10-15 days.
〰 Use the yogurt either as it is or mix it up with a little vanilla and lemon and serve it with a delicious crumble cake, for example.
〰 Hygiene is very important, so make sure to rinse the jars/containers you will be pouring your homemade yogurt into.
〰 You can experiment with adding flavors such as a vanilla pod or fruit syrup/puree.